2 Quests🌎 Global

Nov 15 / 12:00am GMT - Jan 8 / 11:59pm GMT

Fame of Pendant
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The quest is designed to onboard players and expand YGG in-game optics, bannering the YGG name in Arena of Faith.

How to Join

  1. Participants that have completed this quest in previous GAP seasons are not eligible.
  2. Set up your account on the Arena Of Faith Website and download the game with this download link.
  3. Play and level up your YGG pendant to level 5.


  1. Visit the Arena Of Faith Website to set up your account, and connect your email and web3 wallet. Make sure your connected email address is the same as the email address linked to your YGG account.
  2. Download the game with this download link and login to start playing.
  3. Level up your YGG pendant to at least Level 5.
  4. Take a screenshot of your Information page.
  5. Post the screenshot on X with the suggested caption "I completed the YGG GAP S8 Fame of Pendant quest” and include the following hashtags and mentions: #YGGxAOF #YGGGAPS8 @YieldGuild @moba_aof
  6. Appeals for proof of completion will be accepted until January 31, 2025
Your YGG points are automatically added to your account. Please claim all other rewards
600 YGG PointsAll players
Fame of Pendant
All players